Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Welcome to Dallas

The only reason I'm sharing this is because I need questions answered, and I don't want what I went through to happen to anybody else. My life was put in danger at the hands of the people who are supposed to protect us. I in no way intend to label all officers this way, I have a lot of respect for police officers and the job they do.

I left work at 4:00 and before my car even had time to cool off, my vehicle stalled at a busy intersection. I called the police to see if they could dispatch an officer. After 20 minutes of being honked at and flipped off, there was still no officer. I called again and they informed me that no officers had been dispatched yet. My car was completely dead and I couldn't even roll the window down. I believe the temperature outside was 102 degrees that day. I called a wrecker service and also a coworker to come get me. About 20 minutes later the coworker arrived at the same time the police officer did. I got out of my car and proceeded to get in hers when the officer came over his speaker and forcefully commanded that I could not leave a stalled vehicle unattended and that I needed to get back in my car. He also told my coworker to get in her car and keep moving. This whole time he never once got out of his vehicle. A few minutes later another officer showed up, and after they talked for a while the original officer walked past my window and said they were going to push me out of the way. I told him I was feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach but he ignored my plea and told me I would have to steer my car out of the way. At this time I was very out of it and upset; I couldn't process the steps needed to put my car in neutral and when they started pushing me I was going into oncoming traffic instead of to the side which time they started pounding on my trunk and yelling at me to turn (understandable). What hurt was looking in my rear view mirror and seeing them laugh at me. They gave me one final push and the original officer walked by my window again and I pleaded one last time that I was not feeling well.

And that's the last thing I remember.

I woke up to paramedics trying to wake me and ask me simple questions that I was not able to answer. My coworker says once they pushed me off the road the original officer just got in his car and left, and that she was the one that helped me get my car parked and transferred to her car. She said she had the a/c blowing high on me and that I began to hyperventilate, followed by shallow breathing, and then followed by becoming unresponsive. I still don't know who the other man she speaks of was, but she said the two of them searched for a pulse and tried shaking me. That's when they called the paramedics.

I'm really in awe that this happened. I've had nightmares the past two nights of me being in situations where I'm pleading for help and nobody will help me. I drive past the intersection and suddenly I become an emotional wreck. The emotional effects are way worse than the physical. Currently I'm still battling a horrible headache, delayed motor skills, and blurry vision in one eye. The inside of my mouth is also chewed to shreds, which I guess happened while I was convulsing before I passed out.

 I have no interest in getting anybody in trouble but I also don't want it to happen to anybody else. I want to know why it happened. I am a very headstrong person and have no reserve about telling somebody to fuck off but for some reason in this situation, even though I knew it was dangerous and that it was wrong, I felt intimidated by this cop and listened to his orders.

I'm looking for advice in this situation. What should I do? Anything? If your reading this and have feedback, please feel free to comment here, on facebook, or email me at I'm specifically looking for feedback from other police officers or those who are in that line of work. I promise to keep everything confidential, unless posted publicly. Thanks so much in advance.

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